Scott! My friend you are straightforward, eloquent and spot on in your writing.

It is not gas prices, or angry blue collar workers bullshit that is the cause of all this Fascist ideology on the rise.

It’s just a growing fear nightmare that Republicans have fed since the 1950’s which boils down to “the Other” be they black, Muslim, Mexican, or Seven Foot Lizards.

The irony is that employment is at its highest in modern recorded history. And this horrid inflation? Get the fuck outta here. This is nothing like what I lived through in the so called “Go-Go” eighties with mortgage rates at 13%.

Like I need to tell you that this nation could provide free college education (and debt relief to millions), or expand Medicare to all (and cut out these leach Insurance companies) and to provide for affordable housing... All for less than we spend yearly to have a military budget greater than the next 14 nations combined.

We can send these “scummers” back under the rocks from which they crawl... all by taking a couple of hours out of our demanding lives to vote them out.

We shall see on Nov. 9th whether we will prevail or dig the trenches deeper my friend!

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