We are now doomed for whatever actions a US president takes and the highest court has opened the doors to all future US presidents for doing so.

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And we have a very short window for Biden to take an "official action" like prosecuting the whole Republican party and impounding all its funds until it is cleared of all illegal activities. I'm pretty sure the SCOTUS opinion makes it nearly impossible to prosecute Biden for such a thing.

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And Democrats in true tradition will form a circle and ride the Biden Train of Death into the sunset…

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Everything looks stacked against us right now. The only hope is to convince enough people that they must vote ONLY for Democrats , no matter who the candidates are for any office.

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As Benjamin Franklin said when he was asked about the constitutional convention and what they created: “A republic…if you can keep it.”

Well, it looks like it’s the last gasp.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2Author

Yes, Tommy, and the last opportunity to give it oxygen is in November. But it must be a MASSIVE dose, enough to push Republicans out of the way entirely and allow Democrats to undo all the damage the GOP has done for the last half-century.

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Jul 2Liked by Scott McMurrey

I really hope so but I live in an extremely red county in a blue state so it’s hard to be hopeful. I think that if we fail this November, the epitaph of this last best hope in the world will be “BUT HER EMAILS!”

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