
Thank you so much for your comment. "Laziness and apathy" do are the twin vices nourished by these devices, even though they could function as fantastic learning and teaching tools. It reminds me of what was said about TV in the early days, namely, that it could bring about a revolution in education. Instead, what it brought about was an increasingly debased and addictive revolution in "entertainment"--the ultimate passive experience. Today's devices are "entertainment" on steroids. So "laziness and apathy" will continue to plague us until we have leaders who have the ability to inspire people to live energetic, engaged lives. Such leaders are necessary for a populace habituated to following. These leaders will not be Republicans, whose only interest is in seizing and maintaining power for themselves.

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Eloquently said. I can’t think of any better way to express this. Ironically what they’re staring into at the end of the article is nothing short of the entire collective sum of human knowledge that is available to read in mere seconds (including the time it takes to type a request or say with Siri). But the epithet of humanity will be three words “laziness and apathy”.

I’m grateful to you for this effort. I hope it will bear fruit.

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