Scott, I have to admit that much of what I read and observe in our current, sick, political quagmire leaves me often depressed or even despondent. Since I have been reading your posts, I get more energized by your acuity, observations, and insights. I think our wishy-washy democrats need to point out a lot of what you are saying as they campaign for the fall. It's our greatest hope and the Republicans just get worse and worse. We need to point out how sick, small and fearful these idiots are. They don't hesitate to whack us.

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Frederick, ditto about our sick, political quagmire. Republicans are outrageously indecent and downright evil, but Democrats sit around whining about how unfair Republicans are to them--BUT THEY NEVER MAKE THEM PAY A PRICE! That's really depressing.

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I agree. I love Katie Porter - she smacks them right between the eyes - more democrats need to show some spunk.

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